Thursday, June 24, 2010

Snap Happy

I have to admit I became 'snap happy' after one day with this new camera. If it was in front of me, I took a picture. I found myself standing on algae-ridden logs, balancing on wet rocks and standing in the middle of high grasses hoping the local dogs hadn't left gifts behind.
I learned how to look up. Yes, looking up is a good thing when you have a camera on board. Why? Well, the birds perch, the raccoons sleep and the squirrels look right back at you. With favourable weather, I left ground level and got snap happy one nature floor up.
I must warn you, the Blue Herons can spray you mid-click but, life is about risks. I know they say it's good luck to have a bird crap on you but have you seen how large these creatures are?
I used to think squirrels were just pretty rodents with bushy tails like everyone else. Watching them up in James Cameron's AVATAR-LIKE trees, they took on a different look. They are the masters of great leaps and scaling trunks. I learned quickly , 'you don't get a lot of time to take a photo of a squirrel in flight.'
Just like those fashion photographers you just start to go all snap happy and somewhere in the mass of photos 'one', just 'ONE PICTURE' calls out to you. It must be shared, it must be processed, enlarged, maybe even framed and hung!
By the time you waddle around the willow trees 'clicking' like a crack addict, the day is almost over. That is the beauty of the art. You're in constant motion, not unlike the bushy-tailed rodent and you have fulfilled your passion for yet another day. The Lagoon walk-about had become my first plot of land to play with my new toy. Now, I just had to stop naming the squirrels and waving to past swans I had photographed. The tourists would begin to find me more 'interesting' than nature itself.
So, I have added squirrels to my list of amazing subjects. What next... tomorrow is another day to be snap happy.

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