Monday, March 14, 2011

Lifting Clouds

Some days feel endless. Some days are too long because we spend too much time lifting clouds.

How do you know you're immersed in dark clouds? Well...sometimes we don't, sometimes we just feel pulled under them like a strong current on a wild, unkown river. We're part of a circus we did not want to join. They call it 'unchartered territory'. You don't know what your next move should be, you don't feel comfortable with the choices you may have to make. That's been 'my life so far'. Numb, you are just numb.

I've had 'sunny periods'. Yes, those bright and colourful days or parts of days where life is almost euphoric. Usually it involves some close encounter with an animal or stranger who just adds some cost-free joy to a moment. The dog may press his wet nose into your hand or the stranger may say something suprisingly funny at a time when you least expect it. We call those 'gem moments'.

It's all about the energy we give off and the energy we get from others. Sometimes, especially of late, I haven't felt very energetic. I know a lot of this is based on my choices. You give too much, you worry too much, you try to absorb other people's pain so they 'feel better', but, in the long run you are just releasing more and more of those dark clouds over your head.

Finding the energy can happen in your own home, in the moment or simply by throwing your arms back while breathing deeply and saying 'enough'. We just have to embrace the people around us and if they are angry, depressed or ill, we can still be that 'calm' in the middle of their chaos. Sounds impossible, but it is possible. Choices. We all make those choices to let others drain us or build us up.

I find talking to dog is much more healing than talking to a shrink or even a good friend. The dog just listens and licks your face, gives you the sad eyes and thumps his tail. Now that's what I'm talking about. LIFT A CLOUD, GET A LICK! Or, you drive up to a waterfall and stand near it. The motion of the water is like liquid hands massaging your tired brain. Just sit on a boulder and let nature's magic soothe. "Forget your troubles c'mon get HAPPY!"

Our brains are just computers processing the past, worrying about the future or trying so hard to exist in the present. It doesn't have to be that way: choices. Everyone is abuzz over the latest technical devices, the added features to make driving a car 'more comfortable' or the i-phone that acts as a computer, movie central, camera, text monster and carry-on-phone to stay 'linked' to facebook and google, twitter and e-mails. It's also called 'overload'...TMI. I'd toss tech toys if you want to 'lift clouds'.
Imagine this: taking a good book to a solitude log by the ocean shore. Imagine 'reading it' without all of the above. Imagine the author putting the book together to please his audience...and he was likely writing by the seaside. Imagine passing seagulls drifting over your head while the wind sends them to new heights. Now, the clouds are starting to break can breathe again.

Imagine planting a flower in moist soil. Usually, after planting a dozen bulbs and flowers you can smell the earth. You watch a snail,yes A SNAIL, move slowly across a leaf. It may take all day. He may stay there until the next day. But, what does it matter ... he doesn't have to please anyone, he doesn't have to 'make a deadline', he's just in it for food, sunshine and maybe a mate!

I'm always trying to find ways to lift the clouds. It's not easy as we live with so much stimulation around us: the noise, the crowds, the deadlines, the expectations, be healthy, be strong, be smart, be yourself! Yourself, that's a muddy world. How can you be yourself when everyone wants 'you' to 'make them' feel better?

Then, someone actually tells you 'to be selfish!'. I thought reading the book, planting the seeds, sleeping in was 'being selfish'..but it's more than that. Plants need water to grow, the mind needs creative ways to forge forward, the body needs to touch life forces that are not plugged in.
There are endless ways to lift clouds in our lives but it's very simple, like an addict, to go back into that box and lead that sheltered life that other people expect of you. Best you look in a mirror and ask yourself, 'was this what I wanted, am I happy, will the SUN COME OUT TOMORROW....TOMORROW...I LOVES YA..TOMORROW YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE.

Lifting clouds is the 'art' of looking after yourself. Get outside of your box. Try something new. Go somewhere new. Be alone but welcome others as you take your journey 'alone'. You make the rules, you lift the clouds and the sunshine will follow. I promise.

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