Saturday, July 24, 2010

Balloons! Rise to the Occasion!

The first time a balloon burst by me ear, I thought I would have one of those 'phobias' for life. A balloon bursting is equal to a child bursting into tears. Later on in life it was the 'SCREECHERS'! Those nasty children who rub a balloon until your ears bleed. Seriously, POPPERS and SCREECHERS should have to go out and do some public service for the 'hearing impaired'. Then there is the upside of balloons. You think BALLOON, you think PARTY. They go together like Canada and Maple Syrup. They are an odd subject to photograph. Sometimes they are in constant motion or they just don't have that IT factor. What looks like fun on a string doesn't necessarily make the best pictures. I've tried and failed many times. Yes, I have been deflated.
I used to use balloons for anything 'but' a party or parade prop. We all enjoy a good water balloon fight. Remember just filling those babies up and smacking them in the face of your biggest opponent? It seemed like the most innocent of games when we were young..and as we grew up! Who doesn't laugh when a big RED BALLOON wallops you in the shoulder and bursts! It soon becomes the wet T-Shirt contest.
I also loved those Grade 2 relays where you had to run to a chair, grab a mini-balloon and sit on it until it popped. Yes, we took SUCH PLEASURE in such an odd past-time. Some people even put notes in balloons. I guess it's a simple knock-off of the 'message in a bottle'. People have proposed this way, but then again, men will often go to extremes to pull off a clever proposal. Those are the guys you don't divorce!
When I was 'Wee Willy', I used to love watching the clowns stretch those balloons and go rabid making knots and twists until, VOILA, they have created an entire bouquet of flowers.
And how about floats at parades...hours of blowing by volunteers to get those floats 'just right' with rainbows of colours. I felt sorry for the parade peeps that had to wear balloons as costumes. I kept thinking they were going to just rise up and float away to the moon, or just blow up into a million pieces. My mind was always on a journey...well, it still is! Remember getting 'light-headed' when you blew up TOO MANY BALLOONS. I never volunteer for that job as it does bizarre thinks to your blood vessels and your sensibilities. If HELIUM is involved that's a different story. I think I've had some of my best 'all out laughs' with the intake of helium and talking like Minnie Mouse after too many Tequila Shots. *Advisory: It is not safe to inhale helium from a balloon or the actual tank* Why do they just give balloons out to children at festivals and parades. I think that's really unfair. I love the gesture of giving someone a balloon to tie to their belt or dog's collar. It SAYS, "I'M REALLY INTO THIS FUNCTION", balloons are like we really think a child in a baby carriage is going to remember the moment. I think not. We're all children at heart so let us in on the balloon gimmick.
Balloons are mostly associated with joyous events, with kids, clowns, parades and birthday parties but, people let them go in honor of a lost one. 100 white balloons soar into the Heavens above with messages to someone dear who has passed on. It's part of a ceremony we never forget.
So, from Weddings to Celebrations of Life, from a child's fifth birthday party to a large, festive parade, there is usually the many shapes and sizes of multi-coloured balloons sprucing up the event. And, when the event is over... the balloon slowly deflates until the next 'memory' comes along!

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