Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Naked Horse

We all know that horses are one of the most beautiful animals in the world. But, I praised the turkey over the peacock so, what do I know?
I used to see photos of horses in fields munching on grass and it just did nothing for me. So, camera in hand, I decided to go out on the range and try something different. A hoof, nostrils, the eye ...all the bits that make a horse so majestic.
The ones in Victoria were so 'dolled' up for carriage rides. Slaves to our needs and prizes for the tourist. It's like make-up and fashion for a horse. Braided manes, colourful head-dresses and jingle bells hooked up their bridal. Why do they let us dress them up to be 'pretty'? I prefer the natural look: THE NAKED HORSE. Yes, the Naked Horse out there in that field rolling on grass or kicking up turf.
I used to lease a horse. Sounds like I borrowed a car with a saddle. I loved that horse. His name was Smokey. I did not name him. I thought it was a very stupid name. Never-the-less, I rode him faithfully and I finally understood why people are so connected to their horses. It really is a partnership. We'd gallop on the beach, down trails and even along the highway. I felt like the Lone Ranger....really, I did. If I had put a mask on I'm sure small children would have waved from their family vans. "There goes the masked man Mommy!!"
Smokey died so, that ended my Zorro, Musketeer and Tonto days. But, I have my camera and often I find myself pulling over as I drive through farmlands to take pictures of the animal everyone loves so much.
The stellar moment in my life with horses was on an island , far away off the coast of Australia called Fraser Island. The horses were wild. They wandered the sand dunes and were a vision. I think that's when I first fell in love with horses. These naked beasts roaming on the sand dunes, on an island far, far away. Magical!

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