Flags, Ads and Finger-painting!
I'm so in love with the flags we sail in our city. I know it sounds a bit 'off' to actually take pictures of flags and any form of advertising but, there are some HOT FLAGS IN THE CITY!
First, a big shout out to those banner flags they hang on the street lamps. I tell you, they just radiate over a bridge like a rainbow of material spilling out of a fabric shop.
Every community has it's 'special' banner/flags proudly attached to a street lamp or telephone pole. If you are a fishing community, proudly wave a flag with fishing boats or a King salmon. If you're an Italian community stick a pizza on your flag (preferably one without anchovies).
And windows! I've seen some snazzy paintings on businesses. Not like those pathetic 'fake snow' pictures we put up as children. I mean state of the art, Art!
Now they even have pre-school kids painting the electrical boxes, smithrite garbage cans and even the entire side of the school. Why not!? Freedom of expression at a young age can carry over into a field of dreams.
I even saw the Winter Olympic flag for about a year and took pics of it while hanging out of my car at a stop light. Not responsible but, the angle was amazing!
I think all fire-hydrants should be decorative and even people driving cars for business should go all out..like the 'pest control' car covered in black ants...THAT WAS VERY COOL.
People say , well 'some' people say Canadians are dull. I challenge them to walk around our city and inspect our trash cans, schools, cross our banner bridges and inhale the new mail boxes. It's like Benjamin Moore sprung a leak all over the city.
And yes, I have an entire photo album devoted to flags, posters and other ads of distinction. Sadly, the album cover is just plain black.
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