Thursday, July 8, 2010

Aesop's Crow

I know, I know, I know...most of you 'hate' crows. They caw at 5 am on your day off, they attack the nests of the poor song-birds, they even dive-bomb your manicured scalps on the way to work. Well, I for one hold this bird in high esteem.
Look at the upside. They are probably the most intelligent of all birds, they use 'tools' to get what they want and they'll take on a raccoon! That's impressive. Well, it is to me.
I finally started to really appreciate them when I got...drumroll..MY CAMERA. You observe to depths you have never gone in Crowville. They have this amazing ability to communicate with guttural cackles, head tilts, the one-eyed blink and the bursting all-out WARRIOR CAW.
Also, let us not forget the evil side-kicks they have played in magical movies and specifically HORROR FILMS. They get a bad wrap and I'm going to tell you the flip-side!
Outside of their obvious high Avian I.Q., the have communal roosts! Yes, they do. They gather to share stories, perhaps ditties from Penguin Books? I don't know, I'm never invited. They also have the ability to 'remember individual faces of humans'. This skill is wonderful if they want to torture a Politician or Lawyer who is out to get their roost or endanger their nests. A crow was depicted as one of the most intelligent animals in Aesop's Fables. And, they will drop rocks on nuts! Nuts: the eating variety but, I'd give them clearance to add to that list.
But, in a nutshell, they can be lovely subjects for photography. Beautiful shiny black feathers, the whole 'haunting look' and even the odd places they choose to perch. I know many of you think they are nothing to crow about but, I have this candid respect for old Hitchcock's crows.

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