Tuesday, July 6, 2010

It's All Happening At the Petting Zoo

Yes, I went into a children's petting zoo. I know, I'm childless but my camera is 'my baby' so, I thought -WHAT THE CLICK EH?- and off I went.
Now, I must tell you this was not in Vancouver as we are closing our zoo due to beastly children poking fingers into the eyes of small Vietnamese Pigs.
I've never been a fan of caged creatures, never. I used to write the Sun Paper about the Killer Whales kept in captivity and the monstrous Mountain Bikers tearing through the 'baby duck crossing' around lost lagoon. It makes me sad. But, this time, I was making a mini-exception because I snuck in with a different agenda. SEEK OUT THE TURKEY!
Yes, the very ugly turkey was sitting beside the very beautiful peacock. It was totally the bird version of 'The Beauty and the Beast'. Sadly our society basis far too much ownage on beauty. I, personally, marvelled at the hanging mass of what, 'intestinal mass' which is the face of nature. The Tom Turkey, as far as my camera was concerned, was ART. The peacock was nice but not as intriguing.
Then I moved onto the Alpacas: 'shag and bangs' creature. They spit on you! Who can blame them after being subjected to screaming children all day and groping hands. I'd spit on you too! Good for them. Just don't hit my camera lens.
There was a baby donkey, only 24 hours old, chasing a very nasty Shetland Pony who just did not understand the wee ass and his sense of misdirection for 'milk'. Then we had the obligatory miniature goats. Yes, the miniature goats..they bring back fond memories of my first time in a Petting Zoo. I think we were in San Diego or somewhere in the Southern Cali. area. My mother took my sisters and myself for a poke-fest. We were all OCD about the baby goats...but it was my mother who got most of the attention. She made the mistake of taking her offspring in while carrying a very large 'straw purse' from Hawaii. The goats were ripping it apart like Hannibal on Lambs. My mother, not to be out-done was swatting them and doing a few side 'flip-flop' kicks. Needless to say we were asked to leave.
I feel like I had betrayed my pledge to oust zoos, caged whales and mauled farm animals but, my photo passion trumped my war 'for the moment'. I'll be back at those causes some time soon.
But, remember: a turkey (the beast) is not to be boldly called 'UGLY BIRD' , while the Peacock gets all the glory. Remember..it's always back to an old term: THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER!

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