Friday, July 9, 2010

All Decked Out

While the crows dive-bomb me, I enjoy a nice waddle through any 'hood'. I'm always fascinated with how people decorate their front decks. Well, you'd have to have a front deck, obviously. I feel sad for those who don't. Decks are the show-piece of the home.
The usual suspects are potted plants, hanging baskets, domestic cats, chimes and welcome mats. We're not the 'wave your flag' country, so I rarely see a Canadian Flag jutting out from the veranda. Frankly, I'm happy about this as it overwhelms the entire look of a home.
Occasionally while I'm swinging my camera down an artsy street I do see 'the house' you want to egg or tear down. They often have moldy piles of fliers sitting on the porch, empty bottles of beer or castaway furniture. Also, the lawn is unkempt and the flowers are wilting but, it's usually a weed, not a flower. These are the people that shut their curtains and turn off the lights on Halloween Night. Trust me, we all know who you are.
But, there is beauty amongst the ruins. I've seen some stand-out decks in my early camera days. Taking pics of private homes can really un-nerve the owners. Like I'm some kind of pervert or perhaps a thief staking out the property. Yes, I've had to explain myself on about 5 occasions. "I love your hanging basket!" Doesn't come off as sincere..but, I do try.
The shady side of the street is usually safer for taking photos. Nothing like the reflection(s) off chimes or well-cleaned windows. It just doesn't work. I'm also wary of any deck with a chained dog on it or a guy holding a can of Kokane with his belly hanging out. Yes, I have a zoom lens but not for that purpose.
The older homes are always the most enchanting. You get the amazing architecture along with the splash of colour and the Good Housekeeping Seal of approval.
So, on occasion, I just dump my vehicle in a older neighborhood and inhale the beauty that is called 'the front porch'.

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